Representative Erin Parè
Rep. Parè is the one conservative Representative in the NC House in all of Wake County. She is the voice for those of us who are concerned with fiscal responsibility, conservative spending and tax policies.
She introduced bill HB 99, which would bring more local representation for the citizens to the Wake County Board of Commissioners.
Join us for an opportunity to ask her about the bill, taxes and other fiscal matters important to us.
WCTA Meeting Schedule
WCTA meetings are one of the best places to get first hand information on tax issues and to meet and talk with some of our elected officials. Please come join us.
2023 30 Monthly General Meeting
Guest speaker: Erin Parè, NC House District 37
Time: 6:30 PM. To meet, greet and eat, please arrive early so our meeting can begin promptly
Location: Golden Corral Private Dining Room, 3424 Capital Blvd.
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The Wake County Taxpayers Association Open Forum is open to the general public. We invite you to attend our next meeting to learn more about our organization and current issues facing your taxes.
Share and help every Wake County Resident Stay Informed with the tax issues in Wake County
Cicero on fiscal responsibility..........
"The budget should be balanced, the Treasury should be refilled, public debt should be reduced, the arrogance of officialdom should be tempered and controlled, and the assistance to foreign lands should be curtailed lest Rome becomes bankrupt. People must again learn to work, instead of living on public assistance." ~ Cicero - 55 BC